Our company provides third party inspections in liquid, liquefied and dry Marine Cargoes including:
- Quantity and quality supervision before, during and after loading or discharge of petroleum, petroleum products, liquid chemicals, liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), liquefied natural gases (LNG), liquefied chemical gases (LCD) and, in general, any kind of liquid or dry cargoes in bulk, break bulk, packed, bagged or containerized.
- Gauging shore and ship tanks, tank trucks, railcars, containers and calculating the cargo contained, loaded or discharged.
- Taking temperatures of the cargo on board and at shore (shore and ship tanks, railcars, tank trucks, containers)
- Determining the weight of the cargo loaded or discharged on board marine vessels by the method of Draft Survey (Method of displacement based on the Archimedes method).
- Attending the Weighing and taring of trucks, railcars, tank trucks at shore weighbridge.
- Attending the weighing of the cargo loaded or discharged at shore automatic scales.
- Inspection of ship’s tanks, ship’s holds, storage tanks, containers, railcars, tank trucks, trucks for cleanliness and suitability to load and carry the cargo loaded
- Sampling of the cargo ex ship’s tanks or holds either during loading or discharge, upon arrival and before discharge or after loading.
- Sampling of liquid cargoes stored in shore or ship tanks, railcars, tank trucks, containers
- Sampling of dry cargoes stored in silos, warehouses, ship holds, containers, pallets, piles
- Sampling of liquid, liquefied or dry cargoes from shore and ship pipelines, conveyor belts, tank trucks, railcars, trucks.
- Certifying and Reporting the weight and volume of the cargo loaded / discharged to / from marine vessels, tank trucks, railcars, trucks, silos, warehouses, containers etc.
Certificate No. 1062, Certificate No. No. 1229,
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
- Writing and presenting full loading or discharge reports, sampling reports, quality reports, comparison of results against the bill of lading and investigating and reporting any cargo losses or cargo differences noted.
- Issuing letters or protest, letters of apparent discrepancies , letters of reserve in order to protect the clients’ interests
- Applying the contracted specification of the cargo as stated in the technical part of the letter of credit, charter party or any other contract signed between sellers and receivers of the cargo.
- Investigating and reporting any cargo losses or damages for the benefit of the client.
- Witnesses the analyses and tests at sellers or receivers laboratory or at an outside third laboratory, if so requested.
- Inspecting and reporting the validity of the calibration certificates of thermometers, thermocouples (or other temperature determination devices)
- Inspecting and reporting the validity of the calibration certificates hydrometers, weighbridges, shore scales.
- Inspecting and reporting the validity of tank calibration tables (capacity tables) and the calibration certificates of tank trucks, railcars, containers or other means.
- Inspecting and reporting the validity of the ship’s cargo and ballast tanks tables (for liquid or liquefied cargoes and ballast) and the ship’s hydrostatic tables (for the weight determination by the draft survey method)
Our company is fully qualified for the above mentioned services and third party inspections, holds the ISO certificates mentioned below and complies with the following quality assurance schemes :
- ISO 17020 Third Party Inspection Body
- ISO 9001:2008 Certificate No 100CN131370357 of BQC as dry and liquid cargo superintendents and tank calibrations
- ISO 17025 : 2012 Tank Calibrators
- GAFTA Approved superintendents and Surveyors for the cargoes traded under the GAFTA rules (GAFTA is the Grains and Feed Trade Association)
Certificate No. 1062, Certificate No. No. 1229,
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
- FOSFA Approved superintendents and Surveyors for the cargoes traded under FOSFA rules (FOSFA is the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations)
- ISRI (International Scrap Recycling Industries) members
MED CONTROL is committed to offer impartial and independent cargo inspection and tank calibration services to its clients according to the above mentioned certifications.
We committed to offer quality services to our clients and any inspection or survey we undertake is traceable through our Quality Management System through our valid accreditations ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 17025 : 2012, ISO 17020 : 2012, GAFTA and FOSFA
We strictly offer Third party Inspections, Surveys and Tank Calibration and are committed to avoid any conflict of interests by non performing , intervening or entering into any business related to cargo trading, storage, production , manufacture or transportation.
Our only concern is to continue offering fast, accurate, impartial, independent services , in cargo inspection and tank calibration, to the best of our knowledge and ability, according to the highest quality standards and at the best possible rates.
Our company under the letterhead of “MED CONTROL SERVICES” and according to the procedures stated below, offers :
- Loading and discharge inspections of liquid and dry marine cargoes
- Sampling at shore and on board the ship
- Gauging of shore and ship’s tanks
Certificate No. 1062, Certificate No. No. 1229,
EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012
- Inspecting the ship tanks or holds for cleanliness and suitability to receive the marine cargo
- Inspecting the validity of the shore and ship tanks calibration certificates
- Determining the temperatures of shore and ship tanks contents
- Witnessing the density determination test at receivers’ or sellers’ laboratory for calculating the liquid cargo quantity
- Calculating the cargo at shore and on board the ship
- Inspecting the shore and ship pipelines for fullness or emptiness
- Weighing and taring the cargo loaded on board the ship or discharged ashore at a shore weighbridge or shore automatic scale
- Determining the cargo quantity on board by the method of water displacement (Draft Survey)
- Witnessing the tests and analyses at receivers’ or sellers’ laboratory for conformance with the specification of the Cargo
- Inspecting the validity of the calibration certificates of weighbridges and shore scales (manual or automatic weight scales)
- The liquid marine cargoes in bulk inspected by us are crude oil and petroleum products, refrigerated or pressurized cargoes on board marine gas carriers liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), bulk liquid chemicals, liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), liquefied chemical gases (LCG), liquefied natural gases (LNG)
- The dry cargoes inspected at loading or discharge are fertilizers in bulk or in bags,ferrous and non ferrous scrap, cement in bulk or in bags, clinker in bulk